Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I guess that way that you would describe this day is "ok- sorta good- sorta bad. I will make a list of all the events that have occured.

1. I made my hair look SUPER cute today
2. I am sick (UGH)
3. I ran a mile in 12 minutes and 24 seconds and that is including walking
4. I got a water and ice
5. This kid made fun of me and called me a bad name
6. Science was actually ok today

So those are just some of the main bad and good events that have occured so far today. IT could have been a better day but it also could have been a worse. I am glad that sister golding is blogging again (after being sick) and I am also glad that she made a new post. I AM GOING TO MISS YOU WHILE YOU ARE IN UTAH SISTER GOLDING! I HOPE YOU CAN STILL POST!

I'll post a later blog tonight if anything happens and if I just feel like typing or anything I will post more!!


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