Saturday, October 13, 2007


Well since we finally got the pics on the computer from my mom's camera I might as will post some pics of what I did over the summer most of the time.

Sea World!!!

Me and Kennedy on a Kayak at Camp

This is where I was at most of the Summer- CAMP!

At camp me and Kennedy did Multsport which covers Kayak, Tubing, Sailing, Catermaraning, and a Beach Day. This was my forth year. I always have so much fun. I went for 2 weeks and Kennedy went for one because my dad brought her out when he came- someone had to make the money!!! :) Well I think that she enjoyed it and I hope that she posts a comment on her experience. If course again there is at least 100 more pictures but I can't post all of them!

We also went to Sea World. My grandma owns a house up there so we go up there every summer. Even when we sell my grandma's house we are going to put money aside to rent a beach house every year. Well we always buy the year round pass so over the summer we always go 8-9 times. It never gets old. I love all the creatures there and thier Sea Lion show is hilarious. (picture above) We do almost everything- even my mom does the rides! It's a great pass time and family activity. I have that I can do the same thing when I get older with my children. Casa Grande my mom physical but California is always my home at heart. This is also where I have the camp.

Also this Summer it was my first year at girls camp. It was a very spiritual experience and I already can't wait to do next year. We are going to have sooooo much fun!! I loved the night that we did the plays and when we did Singing Trees. I also likes some of the crafts we did and I didn't enjoy the hile but I think that it made me a better person. It took a lot of strength from me to continue when I twisted my ankle but I finished. I was very proud of myself.


*~Kennedy~* said...

camp was sooooo much fun! I wanna take surfing next year, but I've got a lot of money to save, and so far, I'm not doing so hot. :( lol :D

Andrea said...

Girls Camp was Awesome! I had a lot of fun with you.