Sunday, May 4, 2008

I've Learned This Week

I've learned this week not to trust trust anyone with your whole heart. It will be broken. Friends WILL come and go- most don't stay forever. Don't make the stupic mistake that I did thinking that when they say that they will never put a guy before you or that you are their best friend that its true. It's not no matter what they say. You are just going to get hurt... don't get in too deep. Never give your whole heart to someone... it will be broken.


Emily said...

I'm sorry you have had a broken heart. Hang in there, it will get better. There are many people who love you! Luv Ya!

*~Kennedy~* said...

I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do. But I don't quite understand . . . today you were talking to "her" like you were good friends again . . . .

*~Kennedy~* said...

Wait, should I be offended by this? Does this mean you don't trust me? Confused . . .