Monday, May 26, 2008

Things I love

Ok so I am sitting here at this computer.... trying to motivate myself to read. I love reading. There is nothing better to do in Summer than sit down with a good book and lose yourself in it. But for some odd reason... I can't motivate myself to do this? Why can't I? It's much better than sitting at this suffy old computer desk and visiting the same site again, and again, and again with nothing new. So I though... that since I am not motivated to read at this moment I would try to do something on this blog. Now I know... no one replys to my blog but I would like all of you to try to reply. What I am going to do it write down my favorite things that I love to do. Now here is what I would like you to do for me when replying to the post.

  • list the 3 favorite things that are on the list that you love to do
  • list your least favorite 2 items of things on the list
  • give me two things that you like that aren't on the list

Sounds easy right? Well than why don't you give it a try for my sanity... and even if you don't know it, your sanity. I know you are just dying to do something, even if you feel interested in something else. Here are my favorite things:

  1. I love reading. This has to be at the top if my list. Who doesn't love to curl up with a great book and lose yourself in the pages? I love mysteries the best. There is always something new to them and it's not the same love story again and again just by a different author.
  2. I love dogs. All kinds. They just make me so happy to see thier smiling faces and when they lick you... it makes you melt. I love curling up with my dog in my bed at night when I go to sleep.
  3. I love cell phones. This is probably my favorite new advances technology. I love being able to carry a phone with you whereever you go and know that if something happens you can just call someone. And texting... I won't get started with that!
  4. I love clothes. There are so many stores that I like. I love expressing myself through the many clothes that I have. This also includes shopping. I love looking at the different outfits and trying them on to see how they look.
  5. I love blogs. Ok I had to add this. When I am sitting at the computer because I am not motivated to do something else I love just typing on my blog. I love looking back and seeing all the wacky things that I love done.
  6. I love my family. I know they annoy me some much but I would be lost without them. They are my rocks... they help me through everything.
  7. I love music. Any music... rock, pop, classic, country, oldies, anything except rap. I hate rap. It's so awesome because there is a song for just about anything you are feeling and the story behind that feeling. Like a guy who is a friend and likes someone else? Try "Teardrops on my Guitar" by Taylor Swift. Feel sad that you can't see someone who is in heaven? Try "Someone's Watching Over Me" by Hilary Duff. Feel like everything is hard? You constantly are fighting- that you always make mistakes. Try "Battle" by Colbie Colliat.
  8. I love writing. It's the best way to express yourself. And what better thing to love than writing when I want to be a journalist when I grow up? And not about who you should go out with... does he like you?... no not that. World issues like war, presidents, ecomony, and recent happening.
  9. I love the trombone. Just absoluty love it. That's all I love to say about that.
  10. I love fish crackers. There is always a bin filled with them sitting next to the computer and I eat them none stop when I am on. I am addicted. It's not my favorite food but it's what I what I eat the most.
  11. I love scrapbooking. I have not done it in a while but I love it. We have rooms full with scrapbooking stuff. My mom even has a scrapbooking room! It's so much fun to see what you can create out of nothing.

Now I am just going to list somethings that I love... not write about them. Those things are: Food, computer, library, surfing, the beach, california, girls camp, church, mutual, paper and pens, teen stuff, tv, cold case, gilmore girls, babies, baby sitting, apple store, bath and bosy works, bady spray, headbands, friends, magazines, soda, and T&M pizza.

There are so many more things that I love but if I put them you probably wouldn't be able to come up with some of your own. So please.... reply! Sorry if this was too long.


*~Kennedy~* said...

My favorite things on your list:

1. Writing. I love writing. I love expressing my feelings and coming up with different characters and different personalities.
2. Reading. I love hearing other author's ideas and writing techniques. I love having a good book to read and, honestly, I love not being able to put it down!
3. Scrapbooking. I love just sitting down with my mom and Aimee and looking back at my memories. I like getting creative with all the different pages. I like spending money on scrap book stuff, too! Ha ha! ;)

My least favorite things on the list:
1. Cell Phones . . . because I can't have one ! :(
2. Teen stuff! Who likes periods? :) I know that's probably not what you meant, but still . . . :)

Fav. Things that aren't on the list:

1. Journaling. Lately, I'm really interesting in journaling. I like making creative things to put in my journal and writing about interesting things that my ancestors would like to hear about. I like sharing all my secrets with my journal because I know it won't go and spill my secrets. Well, unless someone else reads it, of course.
2. Utah! I love going up to Utah with my family. I sort of like the drive too! It gives me time to do whatever I want! And even though it's loooooooonnnnnng, you can still find fun things to do in the car. I love visiting my family that i haven't seen in a long time and I love spending time with my good friends in the places I used to live. I like going there and thinking of all the good times we had.

Andrea M. said...

Hi Katie,
My favorite things on your list are family and reading. My least favorite thing is dogs (its not that I don't like them, I just am uncomfortable around them. Probably because we didn't get a dog until I was around 9, and by then I was already scared of dogs!). A couple of favorite things that are not on the list are sleeping and emergency preparedness.