Sunday, September 28, 2008


I am stuck with a desicion, who to like!? Sister Menghini gave a wonderful lesson about qualities in guys that I really appreciate. I believe that even now, even when I am 14, it is important to like guys that have good qualities within them.

So there are two guys, both pretty amazing. I don't know who to really like though so I was hoping for some advice. The first guy is funny, mormon, understanding, can relate, strong beliefs, good friends, cute(:, and all around good. The bad qualities though is he never texts me back and he kind of flirts alot.

The second guy is mormon, understanding, sweet, talks alot, athletic, stands up for what is right, handsome, and kind. His bad qualities is that I never really get to see him and, well, I don't know what else.

So I am kind of caught between the two. I am really confused. I know that it doesn't matter now but I really want to understand that who would make the better buy in the long run. Anyone want to help me at all!?


Unknown said...

I think they are both really great guys. Who says you have to like just one guy? ;)


If I had to choose one, I would choose #2. He is someone you know you can talk to with your problems. And you said so yourself, he's so good with girls and he doesn't even know it! :)

Taylor Alexis Glenn Blackburn. said...


brittney said...

you have time to like guys when you are older you should injoy being a kid so i wouldnt pick just one you can like them both. but i like he sound of 1