Friday, April 11, 2008


Aims is officially over at CGMS! I am so excited. It has been a major hassle in my life. for those of you who do not know what this is it is the MAJOR test that we take. The whole school year is basically prep for this test. Im high school it tells if we will graduate or not. It has beena hue stress on my life and I am glad to pronounce it official over. I can get on with the rest of my life until next year when I will have to take it again. 

Well tomorrow is a compitition for band. We are going to Fiddlesticks and then we are going to go to Corona Del Sol high school and compete. Well actually professional judges will be there and they will score out preformance. I am so excited..... wish me luck!

1 comment:

*~Kennedy~* said...

Good luck! *I'm kinda late on that, but good luck anyways!* Post on how it went later!