Monday, August 25, 2008

So much to talk about!

So today is my 14th Birthday!! YAY! I am officially a miamaid whether I like it or not. I am so excited to get to interact with a new group of girls for a while. : ).

Well for my party last weekend I took me and a couple of friends to the Pounte Hilton Resort and it was GORGEOUS! Seriously, there is no other way to put it. It's so big and there is a least 4 mini "hotels" each which have thier own pool and courtyard along with their waterpark called the Falls. I have to say it was the most beautiful thing you can ever see and if you ever get the chace to go, DO IT!

My brother's party was this weekend and he had a swimparty. It was fun because most of his friends are my friends and that's cool :). I think he had a good time and I am glad for that.

Can you believe that I am sick the weekend of my birthday?! I can't either. It kind stinks. Well, it's just a cold but a bad one at that. I actually had to miss my last Sunday as a Beehive which I was really looking forward too because I am going to miss it.

Well I think that is all I have to say for now :). I hope that I kept you reasonably entertained.


Andrea said...

We're gonna miss you!

Anonymous said...

Katie I am going to miss you so much.You are a really great person.I am really sad i will only see you for about 4 weeks. Happy birthday love corttney

Anonymous said...

i am sick on my birthday almost every year & it sucks. that hotel sounds so cool though! The best party i've ever had was w/ what 25 ppl. and the power ended up shutting off. it was still fun though.