Saturday, March 22, 2008

Well I haven't posted in a LONG time! Like 3 weeks. So there is much to write.

First I would have to start off with the fact that I got good grades on my report card.... as usual =]]. I actually had a good time at conferences talking to my teachers. I helped with NJHS and had a good time doing that!

Well I started my sprig break with going to the Goldings for the day. I played with Ethan and Tyler and had a good time. Then the next day I saw Horten Hears a Who with my mom and it was very good. I would recomend it to anyone. It's very funny.

For Mutual on Wednesday we went to the Easter Pageant. I cannot say that I really enjoyed it like I would like to have but I loved the preformance. It really does change your life. But the night ended on a sour note with my and my brother "engaging" in a fight.

Then for the next 3 days it was off to Flagstaff. We had a GREAT time. We went sleding and it was so much fun. I was spinning like crazy. My brother decided to make a snow DUCK and it really did look like one. It was amazing. Also while browsing the town we found a cool store and I bought clothes. The thing that I really enjoyed was seeing Drillbert Taylor with my whole family. It had a great moral and a great story line. The only thing is that it cursed, alot! It was very uncomfortable.

So... really that's all that had happened to me in the last 3 weeks. In the 2 weeks before to got out all I did was school. AIMS testing is in 2 weeks also, so be prepared!


Andrea said...

You've had a busy week. Glad you had fun on your trip!

*~Kennedy~* said...

sounds like a lot of fun. i'll post on mine later.