Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tagged... well not really!

I haven't been on blogs for like FOEVER! So I was just looking around and Sister Menghini had a tag for whoever wanted to do it, and since I am bored I think I will do it!

10 Things I Cannot Live Without

1. Well my first would have to be family. Even though they annoy me SO much I honestly think that I can say that I would be lost without them.

2. The Church. Who isn't going to say this!? It truly is amazing and I know that I could not live the way that I do if it wasn't for the support of my young women leaders and everyone in my church.

3. Friends, they are amazing. I have a special friend for everything! Just ask me what you are(:.

4. My dog. I guess he could go under family but I think he is worth his own number. I just love coming home after having a bad day and knowing that I can go straight to Leo. He is the best dog that you could ask for.

5. Clothes. I am so into clothes. I guess I get it from my mom who was a personal shopper and Nordstrom for many years but I cannot go out if I am not in presentable clothes and matching.

6. Books. I love books. I can read them so fast and no matter how small they are they take youi to another world for a period of time. I will find myself wanting to be the characters in the books.

7. Dancing, it's my passion. Although I haven't been in a class for serveral years I ofter just dance in my mom or just for fun. It's way amazing.

8. My phone. I know that any tipical teenager would say this but it's true, I love my phone. I have to have it with me at all times.

9. California. I could not live without California. Sometimes it's the only place that I ever fell at home, at the beach and with my family. I want to live there when I grow up.

10. Cameras. They are so amazing. You can capture any minutes in your life with the clikc of a button. And now you can just put them on your computer!

People I tag: Sister Golding, Kennedy, Katie, Shanci

Sorry this was so long! I hope that the people that I tagged do this!

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